Nodes in the Drawing editor

To start working with nodes, select an object with which you want to work, and click the Node Edit Tool button on the Drawing Object Toolbar.

To select a node, simply click it.
You can select multiple nodes. Draw a bounding rectangle around the nodes you want to select, or click them one after another while pressing SHIFT.
You can move curves by dragging there nodes. You can move multiple selected nodes by dragging one of them.

To end working with nodes, click one of the Select buttons on the Control Toolbar.

To end working with the nodes of an object and start working with the nodes of another, click one of the Select buttons on the Control Toolbar, select the other object, and click the Node Edit Tool button on the Drawing Object Toolbar.

To add a node, move the pointer till the cursor acquires a small "plus" sign. Click on the curve where you want to add a node. Click the Add Node button on the Nodes Toolbar. If you click anywhere else the node will not be added.

To delete a node, select it and click the Delete Node button. You can delete multiple selected nodes at once.
When you delete a node, adjacent nodes are joined with a curve or line.

To curve a line at a node(s), first select the node(s), and then click the To Curve button.

To straighten a curve at a node(s), first select the node(s), and then click the To Line button.

You can join two end nodes of an open polygon to close it. Select the two nodes and click the Join Nodes button. The polygon becomes closed and is filled the current fill color.

You can split any node into two. Select a node and click the Split Nodes button. A new node is displayed close to the existing, and the object becomes an open polygon.

You can align selected nodes. Click the Align Nodes button. The dialog box displays. Make your choices and click OK to apply them.